Sunday, March 27, 2011

Lazy Sunday

I woke up early as usual this morning. Eric was off to work but made coffee for me. He is amazing. Well I woke up thinking today was gonna start with church. AJ slept late and we didn't make it. I hate that. He played so hard yesterday that sleep and rest is what he needed. I woke up and said my prayers for the day. For some reason do a blog was on my heart. I have never thought about doing this before but for some reason it feels like I need to do so now. I will try to just post a couple of times a day. Cant promise I do like to talk.
Starting today I sit and look around and realize I need to clean house,go to the grocery store and cook a good meal for my hubby. I pray I get to do all that. I also need to go plant some flowers I bought before they die. Being Sunday we need to realize that not going to church does not make you NOT a Christian. I guess I am just being lazy. NO I know I am. I have got to get back into it and make sure GOD is in my sons life. I have got to wash clothes to. Yuk I dont mind washing and drying its the putting away I dislike.
I did my training for my new Job. Just waiting for them to send my assignments to get started. I am excited about this. I just wish it was permanent.
We have T-Ball practice today. A friend and I are coaching. Its is fun but I need to realize this is T-Ball not the major leagues. They are so cute and fun is the point. We have a few really good players and with 2 women coaching I would love to show the others we can do this and be on top.